Monday, December 1, 2008

Date with friends

On Saturday, I went to see a few friends! The first was a lunch date at Cosy Corner, Ampang Park, where I was to meet KKCR UPM chums. For tea, I went to meet up with two of my best friends, whom I've known since primary school! we confirmed our compatability in Mozac, where we were classmates in the final two years in school.

In the morn, I had to go to Aisyah's Taska to get her report card. These days, 5-year-old pun ada report card tau! And then, I managed to weave myself out of having to take all three of them to the dates, 'tricked' Aisyah into following my parents to go to a wedding Inn Dengkil.

Then, I rushed over, already 1 hour late, but somehow turned into Jln Semarak... gosh! And, once I walked in, there they were! I met Mama n Ana last year, keep in touch with them, met Gina at JPS some months back, and lo and behold! There was Annyza aka Along, who looked exactly the same height and weight as she was some 15 years back! Two kids there... and Alin, Mama's sis was also there... Gosh, it really was a walk down memory lane that day... names of friends roled off our tongues, to find out what they're up to, where they are now, how many kids, etc, and of course, their antics on campus! Ha,ha, lots of laughters then... Too bad it ended too soon.

Ana, Mama, Lin n Gina

That's me among my campus chums...

weaving ketupat, gals?

the noodle I had

the tired girl

the thorn among the roses...

we-must-meet again goodbye...

Along n her two darling girls

Then, I left for my next 'engagement', over at Pavillion for tea with Sham n Ize. There was a massive jam! So I had a good mind to take a left turn to get into Jln Sultan Ismail, n somehow managed to make it on time... Hisham was there, but not Ize... we found a cosy table at Pancake House, and chat n chat... Ize turned up at 5.20, by then Sham n me had already weaved some 5 baskets of ketupat... When Ize joined, wow! The beautiful ketupats (laced with lots of laughters & gasps, of course) we churned out between the three of us must have envied others !

My darling boy was kind of exasperated to leave for home, but the lure of more stories really glued me to my seat! Well, all good times can never last, and we really promised to meet up again in at least two months time, hope that we'll have more fun then! Like we agreed, "it's a time for eating love, laughter n sharing between 3 great old friends!"

Tsk, tsk, come to think of it, I do have friends that care n would really knock sense into me if I stumble in life... People who care, whou'd be by my side through thick n thin... Alhamdulillah for these beautiful friends I got who can cheer me up n cry along... I love you guys!

And a few more out there, even though we only meet up in cyber space, old n new alike, thanks for enriching my life with tales and support, I really cherish you!!!

laugh, laugh, n laugh... that's what we did!

managed to pose in-between the chat

the single Hisham n the gorgeous all-glammed up Ize

my girl n boy, two well-fed kids!

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