Monday, December 14, 2009


Why am I talking about raya now? ahaha, cos I forgot to put up a post on raya, so, the pics pun tak banyak...

Kali ni tak banyak sangat ambil gambar raya.. sebab masing2 terkejar2 sana sini... This year's Aidil Adha, we basically sambut at home.. and according to hubby, starting next year, nak sambut kat rumah pun... senang, cos we don't have to lug our stuff all over the place unnecessarily. So, what we'll do is to cook at home, carry our stuff over, and come home at night... anak2 dah besar pun!

the princess and her kilat2 shoes...

main bunga api.. - tokeynya, Cekeduk!

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