Sunday, March 15, 2009

need to exercise

I haven't been feeling well these past 2 weeks, starting with quite a high blood pressure last week- the reading was 168/98. Then, this week, my sinus acted up... hm, I think I now need to go back to exercising. I need to lose some 5-6 kg (10% of my weight!) in order to improve my health... all for my darling babies... I wanna be around for a long, long time more..! Watch them grow up, InsyaAllah...

Lat Sat, I managed to jog 1/2 round at the Sek 7's pond's jogging path, and walked 2 1/2 round. My kids were there as well. Since then, my attempts were hampered by the rainy weather.
So, today, I announced my intention in the FB, and friends (they weren't aware of my condition, though) egged me on. However, Aisyah woke late, and the Papa also stayed late in bed. Thus, in the evening, I forced myself to switch on Kathy Smith's dancing exercise, and d.a.n.c.e.d to it... ha,ha, it's been more than a year.. but it felt good! I sweated buckets, and was quite fresh soon after! Hm, must push myself to do it more often!

Now I'm watching some sports on TV, Chong Wei won the Swiss straight sets! finally, after almost 2 years a losing streak against Lin Dan... he did it! And what a beautiful game they played!

And now, we're switching back n forth btwn the doubles game of Kien Kiat- Boon heong and the Chelsea game. Last nite, it was quite awesome watching the Reds demolish MU 4-1 at Old Trafford. And later, even thou we were too sleepy to watch, found out that Arsenal won 4-0. Hm, time to sleep I guess... need to wake up early to prepare breakfast, and then got to take a run around the tasik... hope the sky stays beautiful 2mrw...

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