Monday, May 25, 2009

politics, updated

Last Friday, it was with a heavy heart that I told my parents about the outcome of the MB vs MB appeal. In fact, I had totally forgotten about the thing, I guess I somewhat put the thing at the back of my mind, didn't wish to linger on it, and get worked up over it... anyway, both my parents lashed their own tirades...

Hm, it's quite funny to think about it now, cos they're both law-abiding, upright citizens of Malaysia... but when it comes to politics, whoa! I guess that tells a lot about the Malaysian political landscape these days- the UMNO men are so brash & cocky about their so-called hold over the Malaysian public, esp the Malays, but they somehow forgot that the Malays have somewhat changed over the years... just look at my parents... they were once so supportive of UMNO - what the lot did was ok, it was for the best of the nation... but then, the UMNO men forget... these are educated people they're dealing with - My dad subscribed to Nesweek, Asiaweek and back to Newsweek again - for as long as I can remember. He stopped a few years back - not because he couldn't afford them- but out of principle -his "way" of punishing the Yankees over their Iraq invasion. See, he is a man of princple.

Hence, they are so capable of judging what's wrong n what's right! Where are the "fitnah" and "dakyah"? So, what those goons aren't capable of seeing is that, these right-minded lot, once they know and are aware of what's wrong and what's right, they get into action! They want the wrong to be righted! They also live a mere 1/2km away from Selangor's SUK, a mere 1/2km away from the troubled RM40m mansions of the previous Exco, and a mere km away from the Bukit Cerakah's cleared land... ah, the list could go on and on... thus, it was no wonder that they regaled when BN was trumpeted by PR in the recent election... if they could dance, they would have done it, man!

So happy they were, that they were of course extremely mad when they got the news... and so mad they were that they haven't been watching the news for months now, as they're mad at the so-called propaganda by the government (they control the media goons, dad says)... and of course, the next day, they decided not to buy the newspapers as they know that they would be splashed with news of the illegal MB...

Anyway, what I'm trying to say is that - with people like my parents living in every nook and corner of the country, is any wonder that the BN's machineries are no longer working? Just look around us - every big town in Msia (of course, with the exceptions of JB, the exclusive playground of Shahrir Samad, whose brother happens to be Shah Alam's MP, Khalid; and Melaka, and Sabah n Sarawak) now are bastions of the PR!

Hm, I just hope that the rest of the nation would wake up from their slumber... and be as passionate about the state of the nation as my feisty parents!

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