Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Looking forward to a new year

Well... the countdown begins... being Xmas eve, it means that we're just seven days away from the new year. However, for the Muslims, the Maal Hijrah is just 5 days away...

This is also the time for many Homo Sapiens the world over to start concocting their resolutions.. sticking to it is of course, a different story altogether! As for me, hm.. I've never actually believed in it, ever since in school, I've often ridiculed my friends of making up promises that they never keep...

However, once I became an adult, started working, and been blessed with children, I now discover that I need some form of 'benchmark' to see whether I have improved or not... hence, the necessity to make a list of what-to accomplish in the coming year dawned upon me...

All these while, I've made it private, cos I'm not too sure of whether I'd be capable of sticking to them... but this year, I'm gonna it be known in cyberworld - whoever reads my blog, would know somehow... does it matter? Hm, I don't think it does anymore. I'm no longer a dewy-eyed teen with insecurities, so, whether I accomplish it or not, is a different story - it's the matter of the putting in the effort that matters most!

So, my resolutions for the new Hijrah is:
1) Make sure I prioritise - it's family, work , and my MEd - in that order!
2) Put aside some savings every month - even as little as RM50!
3) Make time for my kids - especially since Ayum's sitting for UPSR, n for Aisyah' s reading
4) Budget wisely - do not spend unnecessarily
5) Set up a different fund for leisure pursuits - hols, facial sessions, novels, etc
6) Pay bills on time!
7) fB, genie, blogs - they're 2ndary!
8) Learn to be calm... no more flaring tempers (a recycle of past year's - I have improved!!!)
9) Be more attentive to my own needs
10) Help hubby pay off debts!!!

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