It's 20 Nov today, and I was a bit late- the punch card showed a red 8:01 this morn. Well, it's not that I came out late - the normal hour, around 7.25, but there was a slight jam at the Bukit Rimau junction. Hm, what to do...
Well, I don't have class today, but am quite busy figuring out the suitable activities to be carried out during the KESUKAS camp. I've asked the boss this morning whether he had any objection to a change in the date, and he said okay. I even commented to him that by keeping his door closed, he appears "unapproachable"- he didn't even blink, he just stared at me, as if thinking, "am I hearing right here?" he, he, I know, silly me... that's being me!
Anyway, there are some red-hot news around, and I happen to be in the know of some of the things!!! How exciting! Of course, can't spill anything here! Anyhow, I've talked some ideas over with Pn Ros, and she seemed to agree on my proposal of making the Friday aft a some kind of 'enrichment session' for ADTEC students. Hope it will become a reality sooner or later!
On the homefront, my beloved son is now a true SMS-fan, and he has a few friends that keeps on sending sms to my phone while I'm at work (sigh, high time to get him a phone, I guess!). So, this morn, I was tickled when a girl sent him the sms- "Ezal ko tgh wat pe skg? Anyway ko tau x knp aku and adlina suke ko. Ko nak tau x?" omigish!!! and to think that he's only in Std 5? I can't imagine once he's grown up n become as dashing as his Acu... I'll worry then. For the time being, I'd just enjoy his suddling up to me!
Yesterday, I had to pick my parents up from PPUM as there was no taxi around for them. No wonder, as it was still drizzling (after a 2-hour downpour) and there was a slight jam on the fed hway.
Ok, time to go!!!
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