Expressing my thoughts in ways I know best - through words... "My candle burns at both ends; It will not last the night; But ah my foes and oh my friends; It gives a lovely light" (Roald Dahl)
Friday, November 28, 2008
Mozac in Bangkok
Saya sekarang sangkut di Bangkok. Minta tolong inform my wife yang saya mungkin tak dapat balik ke KL hari ini sebab airport Bangkok shutdown. My hp dah habis kredit, so tak boleh nak call out.
Last night, we received another worrying email from him:
Saya masih lagi di Bangkok. Sehingga sekarang rundingan antara tiga pihak tersebut masih belum mencapai kata putus.
Di hotel tempat saya menginap sekarang ada hampir 50 orang warga malaysia yang terkandas. Kami berbincang mungkin akan ke Haadyai menaiki bas.
Perjalanan ke Haadyai dari Bangkok akan mengambil masa 12 jam. Maknanya kami akan sampai di Haadyai kira-kira jam 12.00 mlm. Hanya esok sahaja baru dapat menguruskan perjalanan pulang ke Malaysia.
Harap dapat maklumkan kepada majikan saya (Azman) dan keluarga saya.
Harapan kami semua, dia akan kembali dengan selamat!
Thursday, November 27, 2008
The love of a mother
As for those who lost their children, I would some feel sad, but never overwrought. Cry for them? Well, for me back then, why? what for? The child is now with Allah... well, you cry, and, get on with life. Those newspaper stories back then did make me sad somehow, I was even sad when Sudirman passed away- all for a minute or two. But to actually feel despair, worry over other people's kids was not my cup of tea.
Part of that feeling came with the fact that as a child, I never experienced losing anyone really important to me. I remember losing my two Moyang Tangkak, greatuncles and greataunts, like Tok Teh, Tok Long, and a few other relatives like Pak Teh Keluang, Tok Long Bindu & Tg Labuh, tok Wak n Tok Yang next door in Chinchin, etc... Then, during my first semester in campus, I lost a good friend, Eiza Suhanim. I did shed a tear or two then, well, she was a dear friend of mine. I heard of how distraught her mom was, how she would visit her grave everyday... And I thought, 'sayang betul mak dia kat dia kan?' But the next day, life went on for me. I did lose a few more friends over the years - the affable Uncle Chan, the Rozi, Ahmad Safri...
And then, in 1997, I became a mom. My world turned, topsy-turvy, and I became all that I never thought I'd be... I was star-gazed when talking about my beautiful kids... They are, definitely the cutest, wittiest, creatures on Earth for me. When Busu Selan was killed in a bike accident, I poured buckets of tears. Then, Tok Nit passed away on 3rd January 2006. I was inconsolable. On the way there, I had to stop by the roadside as my teary eyes made it impossible to see the road ahead.
Once, in class, I choked with emotion when I read Ben Johnson's My Son, My Executioner to my students. Thus, when I heard news of other people losing their child, the empathy I felt would make me sad for at least half a day... but I would definitely be voicing out what the parents would be feeling now n then over the next few days... as in the case of Nurin Jazlin, gosh, I think I became distracted for about a week or two when her body was discovered. The fact that the family didn't recognise her in the first place struck a chord so deep in me that I was teary-eyed almost the whole day. Even talking about it would reduce me to tears...
And on Monday, I received news that my second cousin, a six-month old suffering from Edward syndrome passed away the day before, I simply choked. Imagine, losing a child that you've carrried to full trem, cared for day-in day-out, losing sleep in the process, Ya Allah, kuatkanlah semangat Pakcik dan keluarganya...
Monday, November 24, 2008
musim hujan
Hari Sabtu, ingatkan nak pegi jumpa Amoi di Pusat Akuatik, tapi hujan dari tengahari bawa ke petang. Badan pula kurang sihat, so, cuma dapat pergi kenduri kak Bedah on Sunday.
Before we left for kak Bedah's place, Mak Long Anim singgah with family. Dia pun akan bertolak pd 26 November, tapi pg. Kak Bedah bertolak jam 7 rasanya. So, kenduri makan nasi bukhari. Jumpa Rahim di sana... Mama has left, for she came earlier.
Anyway, my kids behaved quite well there. Baby was overly excited to see Ibrahim & Ismail's hamsters, she screamed at the top of her lungs!
Left around 4, then picked Mummy up for a shopping trip to Tesco.
And last night, as usual, kept my eyes awake for the 3rd episode of Kyle XY. Things are getting 'heated up', for we now get to see him demonstrating some of his extraordinary abilities! Lori broke up with Declan, Josh's about to snag a girl after his own heart, Amanda broke up with the slut Charlie (finally, was wondering how she was going to find out, beautiful way), and... the XX is about to meet Kyle very, very soon! They almost did! And... Foss is understandably cool!
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Well, I don't have class today, but am quite busy figuring out the suitable activities to be carried out during the KESUKAS camp. I've asked the boss this morning whether he had any objection to a change in the date, and he said okay. I even commented to him that by keeping his door closed, he appears "unapproachable"- he didn't even blink, he just stared at me, as if thinking, "am I hearing right here?" he, he, I know, silly me... that's being me!
Anyway, there are some red-hot news around, and I happen to be in the know of some of the things!!! How exciting! Of course, can't spill anything here! Anyhow, I've talked some ideas over with Pn Ros, and she seemed to agree on my proposal of making the Friday aft a some kind of 'enrichment session' for ADTEC students. Hope it will become a reality sooner or later!
On the homefront, my beloved son is now a true SMS-fan, and he has a few friends that keeps on sending sms to my phone while I'm at work (sigh, high time to get him a phone, I guess!). So, this morn, I was tickled when a girl sent him the sms- "Ezal ko tgh wat pe skg? Anyway ko tau x knp aku and adlina suke ko. Ko nak tau x?" omigish!!! and to think that he's only in Std 5? I can't imagine once he's grown up n become as dashing as his Acu... I'll worry then. For the time being, I'd just enjoy his suddling up to me!
Yesterday, I had to pick my parents up from PPUM as there was no taxi around for them. No wonder, as it was still drizzling (after a 2-hour downpour) and there was a slight jam on the fed hway.
Ok, time to go!!!
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
I feel I'm alone now!
I rarely feel lonely...this is mainly because I usually fill the void of being alone by reading. So, when I read, I get kinda absorbed by the characters and events taking place in the stories... or I would watch those bought but no-time-to watch VCDs, or these days, log on to the net....hence, the reason, the times that I really felt alone are somewhat etched in my mind somehow...
The ones I remember most were of course the times I was hospitalized during my pregnancy, or when I was in labour. You know, the times when the nurse went away for a while, or when I awoke in the mid of the night and started missing my kids, mom, and hubby...
Well, there were other times as well, such as when I went for a 'nite out' on the town alone... I can still recall vividly the few people that fateful night in Nov 1986...or the nite I went to watch a movie on my own in Cathay Pudu...well, there are other incidents which I can still remember as if it took place only days or months ago- the reason I/we're able to recall these kinds of events are because of a certain emotional attachment that comes with it - be it happiness, eagerness, panic, but most times, it's due to some sadness or, just like the time I went out for a walk in the rain nursing a broken heart...
Well, today, my loneliness is caused by physical absence of my kids, parents, hubby, friends, colleagues, and students.... Just like when people say that someone you love could always feel your loneliness, somehow, the phones rang! First, a dear, beloved friend of mine, Dila called. We often keep in touch through emails n facebook. The moment I put down the hp, the home phone rang - my bro, Aduk called! Gosh, these people must have some telephatic sense! Hm, so, after all, I'm not that lonely after all... there are those who love me n are there to cheer me and love me of course! And I love u in return!
p/s - My darling son just called! Hm, my sibling, friend n son have called... but dear hubby???
Monday, November 17, 2008
Qaiyum's first foray into acting
Hm, not so bad, his nerves didn't rattle, just that he happened to give a lot of his back to the audience - ok, he never wanted to practice in front of us, said that he wanted to make it a surprise, so, I didn't get a chance to fine-tune anything.
Qaiyum n friends...
The video of the performance :)
Friday, November 14, 2008
a typical day
That aside, there are some interesting news in the country.
i. UPSR results - some quarters are claiming that the results prove that ETeMS is not a
failure. Hm... and as if we don't know better. Being an English teacher, who used to teach in
a not-so-good school, whatever I think is not fit to be in print here. Go figure!
ii. Dr M, in a forum Bahasa Jiwa Bangsa somehow made some interesting statements about
this BM thingy, on how some people are not serious in upholding the national language's
importance, bla, bla... Well, who do you think made ETeMS a possibility some 6 years back?
That's Malaysia boleh! (Eat your heart out, Americans, we have this Malaysia Boleh chants
waaaaaaaaaay earlier than your Yes We Can!)
iii. Meanwhile, the DPM says......(from The Star) There should be an intellectual renaissance to
open up and liberate the minds of students, and this should start in the universities, said
Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak.“Our education system must change. Our children are just not
curious enough. They must be curious about the world. They must ask questions,” the
Deputy Prime Minister said.
Well, maybe we're gonna hear the end of AUKU soon?
iv. And, something interesting from the Penang's SLA meeting :
“We urge the Opposition leader to be like a cat, to be competent and rationale towards all
races because as what China’s great leader Deng Xiao Ping had said, ‘it doesn’t matter
whether the cat is white or black as long as it is efficient in catching mice’,” he said.
v. Ayah Pin is back!!! Need I say more?
Obama's U-turn?
...and why the Mid-East is doing a U-turn -- from ecstasy in Barack Obama's election to unease and depression when the President-elect named Rahm Emanuel as his chief of staff.Here's from "The Middle East" Blog.
Barack Obama chose Rahm Emanuel to be his chief of staff not for his Middle East policy expertise but his Beltway experience and savvy. Nicknamed Rahmbo, Emanuel was Bill Clinton's scrappy White House political director--he taught that president the Hebrew word for balls, baytzim--and has served three terms in congress.
Yet, news of Emanuel's appointment is causing a stir in the Middle East. It's being met with some elation in Israel, a country that has been notably uneasy about an Obama presidency, and some despair in the Arab world, which had largely embraced Obama.
An Oxford-educated Arab friend called Thursday night to ask me in a tone of deep disappointment, "Did you notice how in the span of 24 hours Egyptians went from being ecstatic to being depressed about Obama?"
The Arab News in Jeddah, whose editorials are a good reflection of the Arab mainstream, did an astounding somersault on Friday. Just the previous day, the paper hailed the "symbol of hope and change" in the U.S., saying Obama's historic election "threatens the cosy Washington consensus. We are, therefore, embarking on exciting times.
" After hearing of Emanuel's appointment, the paper headlined its next editorial "Don't pin much hope on Obama." Arab expectations, the paper warned, "are likely to be dashed, generating a great deal of pain and resentment...The new team may turn out to be as pro-Israeli as the one it is replacing."
* It is worrying times ahead, indeed...
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Hari Anugerah Kecemerlangan
Anyway, today also happens to be the day that UPSR results are released. The headmaster, En Asmui, informed those present that 34 students managed to get 5As, an improvement compared to only 26 last year. However, he also added that this year's year 5 students are quite naughty "Nakal, tapi pandai!" I immediately gave a stern look at my boy, and he gave me his usual cheeky grin.
Later, my sis-in-law called from Mlka telling me that Amirul got 2B, 2C n 1D. She was in tears. I really hope that Angah will make up her disappointments in 3 years' time. And I really must work on Ayum this hols!!!
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
My 30th posting
Today is mummmy and Suhaila's birthday.
I am happy for kak Bedah, who just received news that she will get to perform her hajj this year.
My big boss is back in the office, after three-days of boss-free days.
My immediate boss is back from Japan, hmm... now he's nearby... n
My two other colleagues, Rose n Maz are in class, n Nadzri is busy with his laptop. Nadz just got back from a one-week course, so our unit's a little noisy again...
Meanwhile, Ustaz Radzi is resigning soon, his last day's gonna be on the 24th Nov. Here's Ustaz at his table... gonna miss his sense of humor...
Yesterday, I went to visit Naaimah, one of our office administrators, at Hospital TAR, Kelang. I was taken aback and distressed to discover the conditions of the hospital. being used to Malacca's new GH and PPUM, I was taken aback to witness first-hand the condition of the 3rd-ward hospital. Gosh, don't even say 3rd-class facility! It waaaaaaaay down! No wonder Msians still harbour 3rd-class mentality!
On the way back, Uji, Zarina, Rose (driving) made a stop at Briani King and had a hefty lunch and downed my thirst with air bandung Johor. Was so famished then, forgot to take photos!
Hmm, quite a number of things happening, yeah?
On the homefront, baby just got over some fever, and Aisyah is now rid of the lice infecting her.
Ayum's award ceremony is tomorrow, hope that I don't miss it.
We're missing Papa like crazy, cos he couldn't make it last weekend, busy....!
Ila is now in Sarawak, giving courses to some people there... hope she'll bring back some Swak goodies. So, Aduk n Dhia are now in Shah Alam til the weekend. He just called to find out about what to get for Tok Ami.
Fadhil is down with chicken pox, hope he'll get over it soon.
As for Boy, he did call to wish mummy a happy bday...
Meanwhile, Tok Wan is going to be getting some angio done on 9/12, so, there goes our Raya plan of going back for Raya Haji in Mlka.
I'm also now actively connected to friends and family members on Facebook and More friends and family members joining up - the more the merrier!
And, I'm looking forward to applying for a new job, hopefully when the new year begins, I'd be at a new workplace.... InsyaAllah...
And... here's the cake I made for my Mom's 63rd birthday.
Monday, November 10, 2008
Kyle XY

It's not like I'm a fan of the characters, or the storyline itself, which at times makes you wonder whether something like that is even remotely possible, but, what intrigues me is the way the boy connects with the people around him... how he absorbs stuff that surrounds him... well, being a language teacher, communication is sthg that has always fascinated me. Thus, watching the process of communication unfolds is what glues me to the tube week in, week out. It's like learning how the human mind functions and connects with his environment...
And of course, watching his naive, boyish face, is another thing worth looking forward to!
Hope that the second season won't disappoint me in the weeks to come!
And TV3, is there no plan to broadcast it an an earlier hour? It's late-hour schedule means that no schooling-kiddos get to watch it! Teens should get a chance to watch it, as the story is full of moral values- love, friendship, honesty, etc, etc...
Abby Abadi vs Norman Hakim

Saya berkata, orang lelaki Melayu di Msia mesti lebih toleransi, sama2 bekerja, sama2 kongsi buat kerja rumah, etc, etc... Bila tiba part kongsi2 ni, girls memang setuju, tapi boys ada yang tarik muka! That's how chauvinistic Msian men are!
And this part week, Msians are abuzz with the story of this famous couple, Abby n Norman... I caught the TV9 news that nite, courtesy of my bro Aduk who called me about it. So, as a woman, I was totally on HER side, n could feel her anger, frustration... hish, if it were me, I would have bashed him up!
Kalau dah slah tu, mengaku ajelah salah, tapi yang buat geramnya, his flip-flop statements. I've taken this word-for-word, as reported by The Star. Dia seolah-olah menjadikan takdir punca berlakunya semua ni. Piiiiiiiiiiiiiirah!!! Judge him!!!
ACTOR Norman Hakim is willing to take starlet Memey Suhaiza as his second wife if that’s God’s will, Utusan Malaysia reported.
Norman, 32, however, did not confirm whether he was in a serious relationship with the 20-year-old actress.
“My love for my wife (Abby Abadi) is still very strong. Every day, I pray to Allah that only death will separate us. I do not want to split up with her through a divorce,” said the Gerak Khas TV series star.
However, Norman said he could not rule out the possibility that he and Memey may be fated to be together in future.
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Yes We Can

The first African-American president, Obama will be inaugurated on Jan 20 as the 44th President. Hopefully no untoward incident will happen, and he gets a chance to put in whatever measures he has in mind to make the world a better place- for our children, especially.
Likened as the black Kennedy, the charming President-elect chartered a rapid rise to the top, as he exclaimed in his winning speech, "and no where in the world is this possible except in America"...
I was totally awestruck with his 20-min speech. One word to describe it - BRILLIANT!